Monday, August 26, 2013

Smokey the Bear...and the effects

For years, no, decades, the US Forest Service and National Park Service engaged in an extremely successful forest fire prevention campaign.  That campaign used Smokey the Bear to spread the message, "Only you can prevent forest fires."

Well, that prevention campaign was successful, too successful.  It succeeded to the point of allowing a huge buildup of dry fuels in the western United States' forests and national parks.  The conflagration that consumed about 30% of Yellowstone National Park in 1988 was an example of what can happen when there is a lot of tinder dry fuel in the forests coupled with extremely dry weather.  It's been very dry in the west for about the last 12 years now.

In the 1970s and 1980s, scientists began to understand much better the positive role of fire in our western ecosystems.  The Rim Fire that has burned its way into Yosemite National Park is another example of just such a situation.

The linked article from NASA's Earth Observatory has some excellent high resolution images of the Rim Fire and the resulting smoke plume.

NASA Earth Observatory - Rim Fire

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Hubble Scheme

Image Credit:

Edwin Hubble was a 'pretty bright fellow.'  That's understating it a bit.  haha  In addition to showing that the universe was indeed expanding, he also devised a classification scheme for galaxies.  The linked article from tells about the recent results of a survey of HST (Hubble Space Telescope) images of galaxies.

Hubble Survey article -

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Did You See Any Meteors?

I unfortunately did not see a single Perseid meteor this year.  Although the moon could not play spoiler this year, the weather certainly did.  Lots of clouds and high humidity levels did me in.  I hope you were able to see a few, or maybe even many, of this lovely annual astronomical "fireworks" display.

Below is a great article from Scientific American about the Perseids.

A Perseid meteor streaks across the sky over the Very Large Telescope in Chile. Credit: ESO/S. Guisard
A Perseid meteor streaks across the sky over the Very Large Telescope in Chile. Credit: ESO/S. Guisard

The Perseids meteor shower, which peaks August 11-12, isn’t just a dazzling celestial show. The annual event also supplies our atmosphere with an essential ingredient for groundbreaking astronomical research.
Our atmosphere is turbulent. The turbulence is what makes stars twinkle. Although twinkling stars are lovely to look at, they are a bit of a nuisance to astronomers. All that dancing and shimmering obscures the fine detail in planets, nebulae and galaxies. If only they could steady the atmosphere, they could learn so much more about the cosmos. But because the sky refuses to be tamed, scientists do the next best thing: they make their telescope mirrors change shape in tune to the moving atmosphere. This is where the Perseids come in.
During the Perseids, our planet runs into the debris trail of Comet Swift-Tuttle, a ball of ice that orbits the sun every 130 years and last visited the inner solar system in 1992. Every time the comet returns, it sheds flakes of ice and dust. And every year, Earth passes through cometary dandruff. Each comet chunk slams into the upper atmosphere at nearly 60 kilometers per second and flares as a meteor or “shooting star.”
A sodium laser fires from the Gemini South telescope in Chile. Credit: Gemini Observatory/AURA

Every impact shaves a bit of sodium off the meteors. Some of the sodium atoms float in a layer roughly 90 kilometers above Earth’s surface. By firing a telescope-mounted laser into the sky, astronomers can make a spot of the sodium glow. The glowing spot looks like an artificial star. Because astronomers know exactly what a glowing spot should look like, they can then rapidly deform small mirrors in the telescope—sometimes at over a thousand times a second—until the spot appears nice and round. Thus calibrated, the telescope can reveal a far clearer picture of the celestial object of interest than might otherwise be obtained In effect the technique removes the confounding atmosphere. Because the telescope continuously adapts to the changing atmosphere, astronomers call this technique “adaptive optics.”
Adaptive optics systems bring everything from nearby moons to distant galaxy clusters into sharper focus. Astronomers use them to observe stars orbiting the supermassive black hole at the core of our galaxy roughly 28,000 light-years away. By watching stars whip around the galactic center for over a decade, researchers were able to figure out that the black hole weighs the same as 4 million suns. And by combining adaptive optics with a tool to block out starlight, astronomers can take pictures of planets orbiting distant stars in our galaxy—all because of the sodium that meteors bring.
The Perseids will reach full swing–with nearly 100 meteors per hour streaking across the sky–on the night of August 11. The best time to watch is after midnight well away from city lights. With no moon to spoil the view, this year’s show should be a good one. Every meteor you see will be a tiny piece of a comet, a remnant from the birth of our solar system. Each one leaves behind a bit of itself that lets astronomers push the boundaries of our knowledge of the cosmos.

Christopher CrockettAbout the Author: Christopher is a AAAS Mass Media Fellow and intern for Scientific American. In a previous life he was an astronomer and spent the last several years looking for planets. Follow on Twitter @@CosmicThespian

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Coal Ash

I'm all for the utilization of domestic energy sources.  However I just watched the linked mini-documentary about coal ash in Montana, 'big sky country.'  To say it is sobering and thought provoking is an understatement.

What is coal ash? It's the material remaining after coal is burned.  And we generate a lot of it here in the United States.

Here's the link: Coal Ash Documentary - National Geographic

Thursday, August 1, 2013

A 'Hot' Topic

Image credit - NASA

Read on in the linked Scientific American article for the results of a new study on - you guessed it - the greenhouse effect/climate change.

Scientific American article