Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day, 2013


Let's not forget why we today is a day off from school.  Let's not forget who the real heroes are.

May God continue to bless this great nation.

Memorial Day and the “Shepherd in Combat Boots”

U.S. Army chaplain Father Emil Joseph Kapaun, who died May 23, 1951, in a North Korean prisoner of war camp, is pictured celebrating Mass from the hood of a jeep Oct. 7, 1950, in South Korea. He was captured about a month later. The Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award for bravery, was awarded to the priest posthumously at the White House April 11, 2013. (CNS photo/courtesy U.S. Army medic Raymond Skeehan)

For many, Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of summer, a day of rest to spend with family and friends. But for all Americans, this should be a time to remember the sacrifice of those men and women who, in the words of President Lincoln, “gave the last full measure of devotion,” sacrificing their lives to preserve our freedom. Masses will be celebrated today at theCatholic cemeteries of the Archdiocese of Washington, to remember those who died in service to the nation, and to pray for loved ones who died this past year.

“No one has greater love than this – to lay down one’s life for one’s friend” (John 15:13). In recent weeks, Father Emil Kapaun – a Korean War chaplain who embodied those words – was remembered and honored in both a White House ceremony and at an outdoor Mass at Saint Jude Regional Catholic School in Rockville, Maryland.

Father Kapaun died on May 23, 1951, in a prisoner of war camp in North Korea, and he was buried in an unmarked grave. But his faith and his courage were never forgotten, especially not by the soldiers to whom he ministered on the battlefield and in the prison camp.

This man, remembered as “the shepherd in combat boots,” grew up on a family farm outside of Wichita, Kansas. After serving as a chaplain in World War II, he became a small-town parish priest back home. When the Korean War broke out, he again became an Army chaplain, and his regiment was one of the first sent into combat.

The soft-spoken priest soon became known for the Masses he celebrated on the hoods of Jeeps. He also rode an old bicycle to the front lines to minister to soldiers, and earned a Bronze Star for dodging machine gun fire and dragging wounded troops to safety.

Later, Father Kapaun ignored an evacuation order, opting instead to stay with wounded troops who were subsequently captured by the Chinese and North Korean forces that surrounded them. After helping a wounded Chinese officer, he stopped another Chinese soldier from executing a wounded American soldier, Herb Miller. Father Kapaun carried Miller on his back and helped him walk as the men were forced to make a long death march to a prison camp.

At the camp, Father Kapaun became a parish priest for the prisoners of war there, using his farm skills to get them sanitary drinking water and sneak them food. He prayed the rosary and gave hope to prisoners of all different faiths. A fellow prisoner later said the priest could turn a mud hut into a cathedral.

The guards saw the opportunity to rid themselves of Father Kapaun when he became ill, so he was taken to an isolated hut to die. He blessed his guards, repeating the words of Jesus on the cross, “Father forgive them.” He told his fellow soldiers not to worry, “I’m going to where I always wanted to go.” A few days later, he died in that death house.

Those fellow soldiers helped collect money after the war to establish Kapaun Mount Carmel Catholic High School in Wichita. In 2001, a bronze statue showing the priest helping a wounded soldier to his feet was dedicated at the priest’s hometown parish, Saint John Nepomucene Catholic Church in Pilsen, Kansas, where the cause for his canonization was later opened in 2008.

Father Kapaun was posthumously awarded the nation’s highest military honor, the Medal of Honor, on April 11. President Obama noted that when the Korean War ended 60 years ago, a group of POWs emerged carrying a four-foot cross they had fashioned out of firewood, with radio wire as a crown of thorns, to honor their priest, Father Kapaun. Some of those men, including Herb Miller, attended the White House ceremony.

“This is the valor we honor today – an American soldier who didn’t fire a gun, but who wielded the mightiest weapon of all, a love for his brothers so pure that he was willing to die so they might live,” President Obama said.

Earlier this month, Father Paul Lee, the pastor of the Shrine of Saint Jude Parish in Rockville, whose family was among the refugees who fled from Communist North Korea, celebrated an outdoor Mass on the hood of a Jeep for the students of Saint Jude School so they would remember the faith and sacrifice of this heroic priest.

This Memorial Day is a special time of prayer and remembrance, for Father Kapaun and for all those who have died to preserve our freedom. At a time when our freedom of conscience is increasingly challenged by government actions, we should stop to pray and thank God for their sacrifice, and resolve to stand up for the freedoms for which they gave their lives. One hundred and fifty years ago at Gettysburg, President Lincoln urged us to honor our military dead by taking up “the unfinished work” of safeguarding our freedom. That is our responsibility as Americans, this Memorial Day and every day.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pray for the people of Moore, OK

The image above is of the entrance to what's left of the Moore, OK, hospital.

Remember the people Moore, OK, in your prayers.  They certainly need them.  And hope we never have to deal with a tornado of this magnitude.

Lots of good articles along with intense images and video of the massive EF-4 (preliminary) tornado.   Weather Underground's News Page

More good articles, etc.'s News Page

Sunday, May 19, 2013


The severe drought continues to affect significant portions of the Plains States.  NOAA's Climate Team put together an excellent short video on the slight drought improvements seen in some parts of the plains.  We here in the "water-rich" portion of the Eastern United States need to insure we don't take for granted the water that we enjoy so much.

Here's the link to the US Drought Monitoring website:US Drought Monitor

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Fire Torandoes

As we approach the summer wildfire season here in the United States, I thought this photo essay from National Geographic on fire tornadoes was rather timely.

Click on the link to get to the article:
National Geographic article

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Hanford Washington (state) - the most polluted place in the US?

Long viewed as one of the most, if not the most, polluted places in the United States, cleanup at the Hanford, WA, nuclear site has slowed to a crawl.  I remember first reading about Hanford during high school via a Scientific American article.  Government beaurocracy and waste are once again on display.

Hanford Site article (Wikipedia) -

Continue on the the lengthy eye-popping article below (article from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN online).

Hanford Nuclear Waste Cleanup Plant May Be Too Dangerous

Safety issues make plans to clean up a mess left over from the construction of the U.S. nuclear arsenal uncertain

VIT PLANT: Even as the new facility to deal with the radioactive legacy of the Hanford Site is built, some critics have questioned its ability to handle the cleanup.Image: Courtesy of Bechtel

More In This Article

The most toxic and voluminous nuclear waste in the U.S.—208 million liters —sits in decaying underground tanks at the Hanford Site (a nuclear reservation) in southeastern Washington State. It accumulated there from the middle of World War II, when the Manhattan Project invented the first nuclear weapon, to 1987, when the last reactor shut down. The federal government’s current attempt at a permanent solution for safely storing that waste for centuries—the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant here—has hit a major snag in the form of potential chain reactions, hydrogen explosions and leaks from metal corrosion. And the revelation last February that six more of the storage tanks are currently leaking has further ramped up the pressure for resolution.
After decades of research, experimentation and political inertia, the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) started building the “Vit Plant” at Hanford in 2000. It’s intended to sequester the waste in stainless steel–encased glass logs, a process known as vitrification (hence “Vit”), so it cannot escape into the environment, barring natural disasters like earthquakes or catastrophic fires. But progress on the plant slowed to a crawl last August, when numerous interested parties acknowledged that the plant’s design might present serious safety risks. In response, then-Energy Secretary Steven Chu appointed an expert panel to find a way forward. Because 60 of the 177 underground tanks have already leaked and all are at increasing risk to do so, solving the problem is urgent.
Vitrification prep 101: Some tough homework
The plant’s construction, currently contracted by the DoE to Bechtel National, Inc., may be the most complicated engineering project underway in the U.S. But back in 2000 the DoE and Bechtel decided to save time and money by starting construction before crucial structures and processes had been designed and properly tested at a scale comparable to full operation. This wasn’t such a good idea, says Dirk Dunning, nuclear material specialist with the Oregon Department of Energy. “The worst possible time to save money is at the beginning. You’re better off to be very nearly complete on design before you begin construction.”
The vitrification project calls for the waste to be analyzed chemically and radiologically before it enters a pretreatment facility to be separated into various constituents such as cesium 137, strontium 90 and metals. After that, each separate waste stream is channeled as either high-level or low-activity waste into designated melters. The glass is created by mixing sand with a few additives like boron; the waste is stirred in, and the whole mess is melted, then decanted into the steel canisters. After the glass logs solidify the waste is trapped and should be isolated from the environment for long enough for most of the radioactivity to decay to safe levels.
The low-level waste canisters will be stored permanently at Hanford. Because the planned Yucca Mountain geologic repository project was halted by the Obama administration, the high-level waste canisters will be kept at Hanford in an as-yet unconstructed building. In January the DoE announced it is beginning work on a new “comprehensive management and disposal system” that will make a permanent geologic repository available by 2048. Yet even if all goes perfectly from now on, it will take until 2062 to vitrify all the waste.
The waste presents significant challenges for Vit Plant project engineers and nuclear chemists. For one thing, the waste varies wildly from tank to tank. The former nuclear weapons facility at Savannah River, Ga.—also part of the Manhattan Project—has been successfully vitrifying weapons waste for years, but only one fuel separation process was used there. At Hanford there were nine production reactors making plutonium and uranium fuel using at least six different radiochemical processes whose chemistry, and thus constituents, were very different. This remains true of the waste as well. There are large differences in composition from tank to tank that necessitate chemically profiling the waste in batches before it enters the Vit Plant, which may also require changes to the glass formula at the other end of the process.

Overall, the tanks hold every element in the periodic table, including half a ton of plutonium, various uranium isotopes and at least 44 other radionuclides—containing a total of about 176 million curies of radioactivity. This is almost twice the radioactivity released at Chernobyl, according to Plutopia: Nuclear Families, Atomic Cities, and the Great Soviet and American Plutonium Disasters, by Kate Brown, a history professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. The waste is also physically hot as well as laced with numerous toxic and corrosive chemicals and heavy metals that threaten the integrity of the pipes and tanks carrying the waste, risking leakage.
The physical form of the waste causes problems, too. It’s very difficult to get a representative sample from any given tank because the waste has settled into layers, starting with a baked-on “hard heal” at the bottom, a layer of salt cake above that, a layer of gooey sludge, then fluid, and finally gases in the headspace between the fluid and the ceiling. Most of the radioactivity is in the solids and sludge whereas most of the volume is in the liquids and the salt cake.
Going with the flow
All of these considerations contribute to the overall problem, which can be summed up in one word: flow. To get to the glass log stage the waste has to travel through an immense labyrinth of tanks and pipes. It has to move at a fast enough clip to avoid pipe and filter clogs as well as prevent solids from settling. This is quite a challenge given the multiphasic nature of the waste: solids, liquids, sludge and gases all move differently. The waste feed through the system will be in the form of a “non-Newtonian slurry”—a mixture of fluids and solids of many different shapes, sizes and densities. If the solids stop moving, problems ensue.
For one thing, there’s a chance that enough plutonium could congregate to trigger a nuclear chain reaction, or criticality—the self-sustaining cascade of atomic fission that releases massive amounts of energy. That would be a serious event even if an explosion did not breach the concrete containment building. Hot slurry could surge backward through the piping, spreading the problem to other parts of the system. Waste solids could also clog pipes, along with ion-exchange filters designed to grab the most radioactive constituents from the low-level waste for addition to the high-level stream.
Whether the solids pile up in the vessels, the pipes or the filters, says Donna Busche, nuclear and environmental safety manager for Hanford contractor URS Corp., “that’s where I’ve got the problem.” Further construction of the Vit Plant’s flawed components cannot proceed unless Busche issues an operating permit, which she is loath to do. She calls the DoE’s failure to require that Bechtel resolve the safety issues sooner “obscene.”
A second explosive risk could arise because both heat and radiation can disassemble water into oxygen and hydrogen. If there are not places along the piping and in the vessels for hydrogen to exit the flow of waste, enough could build up to explode.
And then there’s the extreme radioactivity of the waste, which is far too high for direct human exposure. Enter the Vit Plant’s notorious “black cells.” These are 18 massive concrete enclosures populated by smaller stainless steel vessels. The idea is to guide the waste through the vessels without any human intervention over the 40 years officials believe it will take to process all the waste. The only way to do this is to ensure that the black cells have no moving parts. But because the waste has to be constantly stirred to prevent settling of the noxious and radioactive solids, the plan calls for pulse jet mixers—described as “turkey basters”—to keep the solids suspended.

The pulse jet mixers suck waste into their vertical tubes and then eject it forcefully back into the tanks. Unfortunately, they have not yet been shown to provide sufficient mixing at the scale necessary for the Vit Plant. They do, however, apply enough force to the slurry for the solids to grind away at the stainless steel of tanks and pipes, weakening them enough to risk leakage. Besides this erosion, there’s also potential for chemical corrosion. The Defense Nuclear Safety Board, which advises the White House, has called these problems “a show-stopper.”
“The way [the plant] is currently designed poses unacceptable risks. DoE now admits that,” says Tom Carpenter, executive director of the watchdog group Hanford Challenge. In December the Government Accountability Office issued a highly critical analysis of the Vit Plant’s unresolved safety issues
Disagreements over the safety risks have also prompted outspoken protests from several senior Hanford officials. Chief project engineer Gary Brunson resigned in January. Busche and former deputy chief process engineer Walter Tamosaitis filed whistleblower complaints alleging that their concerns about safety were suppressed by Bechtel. (Bechtel declined to be interviewed for this story, citing nondisclosure agreements signed with Chu’s expert panel.)
But Langdon Holton, DoE’s senior technical authority for the Vit Plant and a member of Chu’s expert panel, believes the project’s problems are technical snags, rather than the insoluble consequence of incompetence or hubris. He also thinks that although the current risks are real, they are unlikely and would be of low magnitude if they did occur. For example, he says, “You’d have to have a vessel unmixed for half a year” for enough hydrogen to accumulate for a significant explosion. “Do I have concern we won’t be able to resolve the issues? No, but it will take some time,” he adds. (Chu’s panel does not expect to issue a formal report, according to Holton.)
Time may be limited. The 177 tanks, built between 1943 and 1986 and most intended for only about a 20-year life span, are decaying; at last count, six are leaking. The Vit Plant was supposed to start operating in 2007 and is now projected to begin in 2022. Its original budget was $4.3 billion and is now estimated at $13.4 billion. Nobody is suggesting the project be abandoned, yet forging ahead without confidence in the plant’s safe operation is not really an option either. The real question, many Hanford watchers say, is whether the country wants to pay for doing it right.
Busche is adamant that the safety issues must be solved before plans proceed further. “The level of robustness we have to put in all our systems is derived from the waste itself,” she says. “It’s the gift that keeps giving until it’s in a glass log.”

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Lord of the Harvest

Telling Time On Saturn: Undergraduate Student Shows How Planet's Magnetosphere Changes With the Seasons

May 3, 2013 — A University of Iowa undergraduate student has discovered that a process occurring in Saturn's magnetosphere is linked to the planet's seasons and changes with them, a finding that helps clarify the length of a Saturn day and could alter our understanding of Earth's magnetosphere.
Saturn's magnetosphere is the third largest structure in the solar system, eclipsed only by the magnetic fields of the sun and Jupiter. Unlike Earth, which has a visible rocky surface and rotates once every 24 hours, Saturn is composed mostly of clouds and liquid gas layers, each rotating about the planet at its own rate of speed. This variation in rotation made it difficult for scientists to pin down time for the planet.
Decades ago, a strong and naturally occurring radio signal, called Saturn kilometric radiation (SKR), was believed to give an accurate measurement of a Saturn day. But data gathered by an ESA/NASA spacecraft proved otherwise.
Now, using data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft, which entered orbit around Saturn in 2004, UI space physicist Donald Gurnett and other scientists showed that the north and south poles have their own SKR "days" that vary over periods of weeks and years. How these different periods arise and are driven through the magnetosphere has become a central question of the Cassini mission, according to NASA officials.
The discovery by Tim Kennelly, a UI junior majoring in physics and astronomy, is one of the first direct observations of seasonal changes in Saturn's magnetosphere. In addition, the finding carries over to all planets having a magnetosphere, including Earth.
"I'm pleased to have contributed to our understanding of Saturn's magnetosphere so early in my career," says Kennelly, the lead author of the paper published online in the American Geophysical Union's (AGU) Journal of Geophysical Research. "I hope this trend continues."
Scientists have known for some time that Saturn's magnetospheric processes are linked together, from the activity generating the SKR emission relatively near the planet to the periodic signatures in Saturn's magnetosphere stretching millions of miles downstream in the planet's magnetotail. But they didn't know how they were linked.
Kennelly analyzed phenomena recorded between July 2004 and December 2011 by Cassini's UI-built Radio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) instrument and came to some novel conclusions about how the events are linked. First, he looked at inward-moving "flux tubes" composed of hot, electrically charged gas, called plasma. Focusing on the tubes when they initially formed and before they had a chance to dissipate under the influence of the magnetosphere, he found that the occurrence of the tubes correlates with activity in the northern and southern hemisphere depending upon the season.
Kennelly found that during winter in the northern hemisphere, the occurrence of flux tubes correlates with SKR period originating in the northern hemisphere. A similar flux tube and SKR correlation was noted for the southern hemisphere during southern winter. The events are strongly ordered, he says, and follow Saturn's seasonal changes.
This finding may alter how scientists look at Earth's magnetosphere and the Van Allen radiation belts that affect a variety of activities at Earth ranging from space flight safety to satellite and cell phone communications.
Commenting on his research experience, Kennelly says, "I'm really happy with the support I've received from Don Gurnett's group. They let me do a lot of the research on my own. I'm really appreciative." He adds that he will begin applying to graduate schools next semester and plans to earn his doctorate in plasma physics.
In addition to Kennelly, UI researchers include UI postdoctoral scholar Jared Leisner, associate research scientist George Hospodarsky and Donald Gurnett, head of the RPWS instrument investigation and the James A. Van Allen/Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver Professor of Physics and Astronomy.
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided byUniversity of Iowa. The original article was written by Gary Galluzzo.
Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:
  1. T. J. Kennelly, J. S. Leisner, G. B. Hospodarsky, D. A. Gurnett. Ordering of injection events within Saturnian SLS longitude and local timeJournal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2013; 118 (2): 832 DOI:10.1002/jgra.50152

University of Iowa (1969, December 31). Telling time on Saturn: Undergraduate student shows how planet's magnetosphere changes with the seasons. ScienceDaily. Retrieved May 4, 2013, from­/releases/2013/05/130503094951.htm
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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Saturn, Lord of the Harvest

Saturn's Rings in Infrared Light
(Image credit: NASA's Hubblesite)

A little late, but still timely...

Saturn reached opposition on April 28.  This year has been the best time to view Saturn in the past few years.  It's relatively close to earth and its rings are tipped advantageously toward earth (we call that "open.")  

If you have a telescope of binoculars, it's definitely worth a look.

Below is the link to, an excellent basic astronomy site.  Read on for some more great info on when and where to look for Saturn.